Eco-Razeni was founded in 1998 as an NGO that focused on youth, ecology and the community. The Eco Razeni focus has widened and now includes many other services, as is indicated in the flow chart. Green items are those areas that are currently functioning; blue items are currently being established and red items are ideas for future consideration.
Currently In Operation Strong positive relationships with community members, the school administration, the primar and primaria staff, beneficiaries, partner organizations and international organizations. Many organizations visit in order to view the operations of Eco Razeni Internet services and a computer lab are available for community members with the lab being very busy during non-school hours. Eco Razeni established Wi-Fi and is shared with the entire school and the immediate vicinity. Students use the computers for homework, research and to play video games. During the Summer, 2013, four Korean University students volunteered at Eco Razeni, teaching computer software programs and also Korean language and culture. Many students participated in the daily, summer-long program. Community members, particularly teachers and students are able to purchase copying services for a minimal fee of .50 lei per sheet. This is the only copy machine for use by the public in Razeni. Eco Razeni is one of the founders of Fondul Pentru Tineri, a bank for youth in the entire raion of Ialoveni. This organization teaches youth about personal finance and provides opportunities for application of the teachings. A Neighborhood Watch Program was established during the summer of 2013. This program teaches about responsibilities of neighbors, where leaders in the neighborhood assume responsibility for informing the residents about the program and gaining their agreement to participate. The leaders sign joint contracts with the Primar and the Chief of Police. Floare de Cires S.R.L., established by a partnership with Eco Razeni, Razeni Primaria, Weinwork and Volkshilfe, was opened in April, 2013 and began delivering meals to people who require assistance. There are over 20 beneficiaries and they include pensioners and people with disabilities. Meals are delivered three days per week. Floare de Cires also provides work opportunities for five disabled employees plus a chef/supervisor and an assistant chef. In order to become self-sufficient, Floare de Cires S.R.L. has begun a catering service. The catering has received excellent rankings on the quality of the food, on the attractive and professional manner the food is served and on customer service. The Floare de Cires staff is working on marketing, public relations, pricing, cost analysis, capital investments and many other items that a start up company faces.
In Planning Stage Eco-Razeni has applied for a grant to construct and operate a greenhouse. The application has passed the first phase and continues to be progressing. Research also continues on types of structure, energy sources, products, management and personnel. Training of personnel regarding personal self-sufficiency is underway. Initial meeting with parents and employees has occurred and future events are being planned.
Ideas for the future The Neighborhood Watch Program has identified an area that needs to be served—domestic violence. Eco-Razeni does not have trained, experienced staff to manage this operation. Over time, this may be a consideration. Floare de Cires, SRL may be asked to respond to a request for vendors to serve food to the children in the school. Many legal issues and other tasks will need to be accomplished before this opportunity presents itself. Floare de Cires, SRL is considering establishing a kiosk for vending food and coffee/tea, to be located in a central area close to the rutiera station. Again, several issues need to be resolved: land, utilities, structure, etc.